Component Counting Solutions: Accurate Inventory Management with VJ X-Ray


Welcome to VJ X-Ray, your trusted provider of component counting solutions for accurate inventory management. With our cutting-edge technology and expertise in high voltage generators and x-ray sources, we offer innovative solutions to industries requiring precise and efficient component counting processes.

Our Component Counting Solutions:

  • X-ray Counting Systems
  • Batch and Bulk Counting
  • Inventory Management Integration
  • Training and Support

By partnering with VJ X-Ray for your component counting needs, you gain access to:

  • • X-ray counting systems for accurate and reliable component identification and counting
  • • Batch and bulk counting capabilities to accommodate various inventory scenarios
  • • Quality assurance and inspection functions to maintain component quality standards
  • • Comprehensive training and ongoing technical support


Searching for an X-ray source, high voltage generator solution or need RMA support? Contact our sales & service team.

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