Wood Log & Board Inspection Solutions: Ensuring Quality and Efficiency with VJ X-Ray


Welcome to VJ X-Ray, the leading provider of wood log and board inspection solutions. With our state-of-the-art technology and expertise in high voltage generators and x-ray sources, we offer innovative solutions to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and the wood processing industry, enabling accurate and efficient inspection of wood logs and boards.

Our Wood Log & Board Inspection Solutions:

  • Defect Detection
  • Sorting and Grading
  • Dimensional Analysis
  • Compliance and Safety

Partner with VJ X-Ray for Wood Log & Board Inspection:

  • • Advanced x-ray imaging technology for accurate defect detection
  • • Automated sorting and grading capabilities for efficient material utilization
  • • Non-destructive moisture content measurement for optimal drying processes
  • • Dimensional analysis for compliance with size requirements
  • • Real-time monitoring for immediate defect detection and corrective actions
  • • Compliance with industry standards and safety regulations


Searching for an X-ray source, high voltage generator solution or need RMA support? Contact our sales & service team.

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