Integrated X-ray source with X-ray tube, high voltage inverter, filament supply, and heat dissipation component.
> Download Data SheetMax kV Output
160 kV
Max Power
800 W
Focal Spot Size
1.2 nominal
Beam Angle
Fan 80º X 10º, (Cone 30º, 40º)
Key Features
- Cone or Fan beam available
- Radiation Shield

Cone or Fan beam available
The IXS1680 is versatile, offering cone or fan beam for flat panel or line sensor detection.

Radiation Shield
Localized radiation shielding in the IXS1680 eliminates the need for extra shielding in the system, reducing costs for OEMs and protecting the system against electronic component failure caused by radiation.
- Details
- Dimensions
Input Line Range
VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz
Radiation Shield
Less than 0.5 mR/hr at 5 cm from the surface of the chassis as per FDA 21 CFR 1020.40
Generator Weight
23 kg
Control Box Weight
3 kg

Download IXS1680 datasheet
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